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All fruits contain acids which are necessary for the proper elimination of various toxins, poisonous acids, and other impurities. Natural acids are highly alkaline. The value of a fruit diet cannot be over-estimated, especially in sickness, ill-health, or whenever the body is filled with poisons. germs cannot live and grow in fruit juices. Typhoid fever and cholera germs cannot resist the action of fruit juices such as lemons, orange, pineapple, strawberry, apple and grapefruit. A fruit diet will disinfect the stomach and alimentary canal. Fresh fruits are more effective for this purpose than stewed fruits. Citric, malic, tartaric acids are powerful germicides found in fruits. Malic acid is found in pineapples, apples, quinces, pears, apricots, plums, peaches, cherries, currants, gooseberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, elderberries, grapes and tomatoes. Citric acid is found in strawberries, red raspberries, cherries, red currents, cranberries, lemons, limes, grap...


The inner bark of the lofty oak has wonderful healing properties, as do the leaves, and acorn cups. a tea of the bark, and the powder of the cups are excellent for bleeding at the mouth, and spitting of blood and to stay vomiting, or other fluxes, in both man and woman. The powder of the acorn made into a tea resists the poison of venomous creatures. A tea made from the acorns and bark resist the force of poisonous medicines, and will also check the involuntary passing of the natural seed. It is also excellent in ulcerated bladder and bloody urine. The distilled water of the buds, before they become leaves, can be used either outwardly or inwardly for inflammations, burning fevers, and infections. The water of the leaves are especially excellent for whites. It is also very useful in the following diseases: Leucorrhea, womb troubles, piles, troubles in the rectum, hemorrhages, varicose veins, to normalize the kidneys, liver, and spleen, goiter, hardened neck, tumors, and swellings.

DOSE: 1 ounce of the bark steeped in a pint of water. Use one teaspoonful three or four times a day for dysentery or diarrhea. Use also a gargle for sore throat and catarrh. Use the powdered bark on ulcers. It is astringent and antiseptic. good in enemas for colon trouble, in gonorrhea, gleet, and leucorrhea. Also good for stomach troubles and goiter.


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