Causes- dropsy is an accumulation of watery fluid in the cellular tissues or in any of the cavities of the body, as the chest or abdomen, and may be due to the disease of the heart, liver, kidneys, lungs and peritoneum. anything that will cause the blood to become poisoned or the red corpuscles to die may result in dropsy. in most cases it is caused by a crippled heart or kidneys. sometimes the liver and gall bladder are so diseased and inflamed that they will not function normally, and a dropsical condition will arise, causing the abdominal cavity to fill up with fluid. it may be that the kidneys are the cause. in the case of Bright's disease, when the kidneys are not able to function properly dropsy will result.
Treatment- generally a complete change should be made in the diet, leaving off all alcoholics drinks, cocoa, chocolate, tea, coffee, coco cola and all other such drinks. no flesh foods, pies, cakes, or rich pastries should be indulged in.
* all foods should be eaten as dry as possible, thereby causing the patient to chew his food thoroughly. no fluids should be taken with the meals, but water can be taken one hour after meals.
* do not use any salt
* fruits and tomatoes should compose a large part of the diet. one vegetable meal a day (preferably at noon) should compose the diet of all patients
never eat fruits and vegetables at the same meal. eat freely of vegetables as eggplants, young beets, parsley, celery, okra, kale, asparagus, collards, mustard, lettuce, spinach, parsnips, onions cucumbers, watercress, pumpkin, potatoes, peas, yellow corn, swiss chard, cauliflower, endive, fresh beans and peas. never eat bread made with soda or baking powder.
drink plenty of water and fruit juices to flush the kidneys and bladder. a hot bath daily to produce perspiration will help rid the body of impurities. cold morning baths and the washing of the limbs and abdomen two or three times a day with cold water are also very beneficial. keep the bowels active, so that they move at least three times a day, by using herbal laxatives.
the following remedy has been known to cure dropsy many times, take grapevine root and burn to ashes. use one dessert spoonful of this in a glass of water three or four times a day, always drinking plenty of water with it. the inner bark of the vine is good too, prepared the same way.
frequent bathing in the ocean is very helpful for dropsy. if one cannot do this then take one pound of Epsom salts and one pound of table salt and add to your bath.
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