click here to learn more about the FRUIT DIET


All fruits contain acids which are necessary for the proper elimination of various toxins, poisonous acids, and other impurities. Natural acids are highly alkaline. The value of a fruit diet cannot be over-estimated, especially in sickness, ill-health, or whenever the body is filled with poisons. germs cannot live and grow in fruit juices. Typhoid fever and cholera germs cannot resist the action of fruit juices such as lemons, orange, pineapple, strawberry, apple and grapefruit. A fruit diet will disinfect the stomach and alimentary canal. Fresh fruits are more effective for this purpose than stewed fruits. Citric, malic, tartaric acids are powerful germicides found in fruits. Malic acid is found in pineapples, apples, quinces, pears, apricots, plums, peaches, cherries, currants, gooseberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, elderberries, grapes and tomatoes. Citric acid is found in strawberries, red raspberries, cherries, red currents, cranberries, lemons, limes, grap...


massage is a systematic rubbing and manipulation of the body. Massage prevents stiffness, promotes circulation, and brings health and tone. By massage the muscles are exercised as fully as possible without exhaustion, and the blood is propelled to greater activity.
Massage is one of the most valuable of remedial measures. When used in combination with water, it accomplishes amazing results. It assists in building of the blood and rebuilding of the tissues in general.
Common sense and consideration for the condition of the patient must be used. For those who are weak or delicate, massage should be light until muscles become accustomed to the treatment, then more pressure and force may be used.
Give massage after hot bath or fomentations. Lubricate the skin with olive oil or cocoa fat. Always stroke toward the heart. When possible have a high table, so that the attendant does not have to stoop. The patient should lie flat on the back with all muscles relaxed. The patient must draw up his knees to relax the abdomen when it is being massaged. After massaging the arms, stomach, and legs, the patient should lie face downward for the back treatment.
When desired, one may start by giving the scalp a brisk rub with the fingertips. Massage the face with a rotary motion, beginning with the chin and working upward to the ears,
ARMS- commence at the finger tip and stroke upward to the shoulder. Start with the finger tips and rub each finger joint separately with a circular movement. Grasp the arm with the two hands and manipulate, the thumbs away from each other, as if dividing the muscles from the bone. Do this the whole length of the arm. Next, wring or twist the muscles in the same way that one would wring a wet cloth. This drives the blood from the muscles and stimulates the nerve centers. Next, knead the muscles by placing one hand on the under side and one on top, grasping firmly, and using the balls of the thumbs to roll the muscles with a slow rotary motion from left to right. Now start again at the fingertips, and commence a series of squeezes, working on each muscle with a firm, quick grasp. This tends to accelerate the flow of blood to the heart. Pound with the sides of the open hand, fingers extended. Now whip the arms with the fingertips, using a light short stroke. This is done by shaking the hands from the wrists.

Chest- lay the hands flat. Give rotary motion from left to right. Grasp the flesh near the short ribs, working the muscles upward by a rolling motion.

Abdomen-draw the knees up to relax the muscles. Place hand flat on the bowels near hips using wrist force. Roll the hands firmly, but gently, toward the tips of the fingers, using a rotary motion from left to right. Great benefit may be derived from massage in cases of torpid liver, constipation, etc.

Legs- treat in the same manner as the arms, using extra force on the deeper muscles. The deep muscles will stand thumping, hacking, and slapping that arms cannot.

Back- commence with the back of the head and neck. Massage the base of the brain and down the spinal column very thoroughly. The main movements employed are stroking, pounding, kneading, and percussion.
In giving the massage, there should be a free action from the wrist, the tips, of the fingers and balls of the thumbs being used most, except in the pounding and slapping. The movements should always be firm. A half-way-given massage is worse than none at all.


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