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All fruits contain acids which are necessary for the proper elimination of various toxins, poisonous acids, and other impurities. Natural acids are highly alkaline. The value of a fruit diet cannot be over-estimated, especially in sickness, ill-health, or whenever the body is filled with poisons. germs cannot live and grow in fruit juices. Typhoid fever and cholera germs cannot resist the action of fruit juices such as lemons, orange, pineapple, strawberry, apple and grapefruit. A fruit diet will disinfect the stomach and alimentary canal. Fresh fruits are more effective for this purpose than stewed fruits. Citric, malic, tartaric acids are powerful germicides found in fruits. Malic acid is found in pineapples, apples, quinces, pears, apricots, plums, peaches, cherries, currants, gooseberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, elderberries, grapes and tomatoes. Citric acid is found in strawberries, red raspberries, cherries, red currents, cranberries, lemons, limes, grap...


the natural food for infants is mother's milk, which is by far the best. unless the mother is in a weakened condition, or suffering from disease, she should nurse her child and nine times out of ten , would be able to do so, by using the right diet. regularity in infant feeding is essential. the child should not stay at the breast for more than thirty minutes. all infants should be weaned at the end of the first year. weaning should be gradual. give a bottle once a day with the breastfeeding, increasing the number of bottles each day until the child is entirely weaned.mother's milk I much richer in iron than any supplementary feeding that can be given. soybean milk is a good food for infants and children, and can be given from the first day. in using soybean milk, you eliminated the danger of using contaminated milk, and diseases is not encountered.
For infants, soybean milk should be diluted by using one-fourth water to three-fourths soybean milk.  Discretion must be used in diluting soybean milk  as in other infants food, depending upon the needs of the infant. The milk  can be given full strength at the age of five or six months. When the baby is six months old, dilute four tablespoonfuls of whole wheat flakes in boiling water until completely dissolved, put through a fine sieve, and add to the baby's bottle. This will give added nourishment, in an excellent form.
Begin feeding wholesome simple foods in puree form. Such as greens, vegetables, also fruit juices and gruel, when the first teeth appear.
When a child is given meats, white flour products, cane sugar products, candies,etc, they lose their taste and relish for wholesome natural foods. The eating of these detrimental things by children is responsible for night terrors, anemia, convulsions, rickets, scurvy, inflammation of the tonsils and many other diseases.


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